The weekend of 28-29 April 2018 the club traveled en masse to Motherwell in Scotland for Strathclyde Park Regatta, a two day event of racing on the 2000m park lake. A total of 64 Tyne ARC competitors took part, and 8 coaches and many supporters made the trip too.
The juniors kicked off proceedings early on Saturday morning, racing and putting up a good fight against a strong field in the Open.4x-. On Saturday there were many near medal finishes including 4th place in J14.1x, WJ14.2x and WJ16.2x. On Sunday the weather improved and the sun shone and two medals were awarded in the WJ13.1x (1st) and WJ14.1x (3rd).
The juniors kicked off proceedings early on Saturday morning, racing and putting up a good fight against a strong field in the Open.4x-. On Saturday there were many near medal finishes including 4th place in J14.1x, WJ14.2x and WJ16.2x. On Sunday the weather improved and the sun shone and two medals were awarded in the WJ13.1x (1st) and WJ14.1x (3rd).
Our senior crews fared well against some tough competition from the university crews in the open 4- and women's 4x- coming 5th and 3rd/6th respectively in their finals. The senior eight's equally faced very experienced crews and performed well to achieve 3rd place in the Women's eight and 5th and 7th in the men's eights. Other results included a win for our Pineapple WMasB.2- and WMasA.1x in challenging conditions.
The Master's squads performed well, racing down the older opposition to achieve a win in the MasD.8+, MasD.4+ and MasD.2x plus a second place finish in the WMas.C8+. Some of the masters ladies even took on and beat their own daughters in the WNov.4x+. Tyne ARC would like to thank Arnold Clark for supplying a towing vehicle for this event, without which we would not be able to race so many crews
Notable results:
1st place finishes for MasD.8+, 2x and 4+, WMasA.1x, WMasB.2-, WJ13.1x
2nd Place for ORes2.4x-, WMas.C 8+
3rd Place for W.4x-, WJ14.1x
The Master's squads performed well, racing down the older opposition to achieve a win in the MasD.8+, MasD.4+ and MasD.2x plus a second place finish in the WMas.C8+. Some of the masters ladies even took on and beat their own daughters in the WNov.4x+. Tyne ARC would like to thank Arnold Clark for supplying a towing vehicle for this event, without which we would not be able to race so many crews
Notable results:
1st place finishes for MasD.8+, 2x and 4+, WMasA.1x, WMasB.2-, WJ13.1x
2nd Place for ORes2.4x-, WMas.C 8+
3rd Place for W.4x-, WJ14.1x