Policy statement
The club takes the welfare of its members and visitors very seriously. We recognise that we have a duty of care to everybody when on our premises or taking part in activities in the club’s name elsewhere and that we have particular responsibilities for juniors (those under 18 years old) and for vulnerable adults.
Under the heading of Member Welfare Principles our constitution says: "The club accepts the current policy and procedures relating to the protection of children and vulnerable adults as set out by British Rowing and requires all members to accept them as a condition of membership. The Rowing Committee will appoint a Club Welfare Officer."
Each year after the AGM we will confirm the existing or appoint a new Club Welfare Officer (CWO) to advise the committee on welfare issues and to be the first point of contact for members or others on welfare and safeguarding matters. The postholder is currently Laura Gilbert, contact details below.
Matters of concern to us generally fall under one of these four headings:
- Neglect
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse.
Water safety issues are a fundamental part of the overall welfare picture, but we deal with these in detail on another page here.
If you believe that an incident relating to the welfare of a member or visitor has taken place, please contact the CWO as below immediately. If she is unavailable, try to reach the Secretary or the Chairman of the Rowing Committee (details here). If this fails also, then if urgent you can go straight to the British Rowing Lead Safeguarding Team at safeguarding@britishrowing.org. Please do not try to sort the matter out yourself.
To help ensure the welfare of members, especially those under 18, we ask for and record relevant details, including information on medical conditions. These records are kept secure by the Secretary and the CWO and are only made available to other officers and coaches as necessary. Dat protection provisions apply, of course.
Club members who have regular formal contact as session leaders or coaches with junior members are required by the club to seek Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. The CWO maintains records of such checks and ensures they are up to date.
You can find documents to download below with more information, including contacts and procedures for recording and reporting incidents. These are also posted on the welfare section of the notice board at the club.
The club also has a Grievance and Disciplinary procedure to ensure that anyone who has a complaint or feells they have been treated unfairly can be confident that their concerns will be addressed - contact the Secretary for details.
This page last updated 01-10-24.