Charity no 1161250
Charity no  1161250 Water Row, Newburn, Newcastle upon Tyne NE158NL
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Durham Regatta 2018 - good results

Saturday, 9 June 2018
On the 9th and 10th June, Tyne ARC took to ‘Big Durham’ on the River Wear. The 700m side by side racing saw 11 Tyne crews take home pots - the 3rd most successful club of the weekend!
Junior Squad
The WJ14.4x+ took the weekend to a great start, ending up in the final. They missed out narrowly to Hexham’s girls, who have been their closest competitor throughout the whole season. Our J14 boys teamed with Durham School to create a J14.8x+ (lots of blades!!!) finding themselves beating Yarm School on both Saturday and Sunday!

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As well as the J14.4x+ on Sunday - credit to James who won 3 pots at Durham Regatta just weeks after a 9th place at Nat Schools… all within 9 months of learning to row!! The J18.2x saw a J16 girl in the boat (thisgirlcan!!), giving the Tees boys a run for their money. Erin tackled the WJ15.1x losing by just a length to a CLS sculler, giving her some confidence going into Sunday to win the WJ14.1x event, to match Jamie in the J14 1x!
On the long course, the WJ18.4x- missed out to a strong Durham School crew, but nailed Elvet Bridge so a moral victory there for Sophie in the bows! Two tyne crews battled it out in the WJ15 2x event, both making it to the semi finals against some strong crews, well done to our WJ14s who rowed up an age group in this event! Last but not least our WJ13.4x+ took pots home from both days of the weekend, after an interesting crab incident! 
Senior and Masters Squads
The Senior women raced in preparation for Women’s Henley taking the 8+, 4-, along with a 4x- and 1x. The WEliteA.8+ fought off St. Aidan’s college easily in the heat and pipped Leeds University to the line in the semi by just 2 feet, after a blade malfunction leaving them 1.5 lengths down. The final saw them against Durham University and down by 1.5 lengths; they met the same DU crew in the WChA 8+ on Sunday, where they learned from their mistakes and lost by just a canvas!
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Well done to Beth taking home a win in the WCh.1x on Sunday! The men entered a variety of boats, leaving with a win in the EliteB.4+ and Elite.2-. The masters men dug deep and found themselves over
2 lengths ahead of Durham ARC in order to take home their well deserved pots.

Overall it was a successful weekend, with the most wins that Tyne has had in over 10 years! Yeah Tyne! And our Team Tyne Innovation colleagues were there and went for a spin (with stowaway) - see

Saturday    WJ13.4x+     J14.8x+      Mas.8+       EliteA.4+      Elite.2-         
Sunday      WJ13.4x+     J14.4x+      WJ14.1x     J14.1x          J14.8x+     WCh.1x     

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