Charity no 1161250
Charity no  1161250 Water Row, Newburn, Newcastle upon Tyne NE158NL
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Wins at windy Nat Masters - 16/17 June 2018

Saturday, 16 June 2018
On the 16 and 17 June a select band of older rowers from Tyne ARC travelled to Holme Pierrepoint in Nottingham for the British Rowing Masters Champs. Conditions were blustery with a strong slight cross head wind, but mostly sunnyish and warmish. On the course the first 500m were generally pretty rough, but eased for the last 500m. Small boats were tossed around a bit!
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Winning NC D-F Open 8+ after getting medals at Nottingham

There were some other close calls but our gold medal winners were in the Non-Championship D-F 8+ and the Non-Championship D-F 4+ as pictured (photos courtesy of Northern Rowing FB page). Results for TARC crew races only as a local pdf are here and the complete detailed results as pdfs are at the BR web site.
nat masters 2018 tarc NC F4+ medal 560 pix
Winning NC D-F Open 4+ after getting medals at Nottingham

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