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Tony Follows - funeral timings - 8 Aug 18

tony follows tarc winter ball 21-01-12 560 pix
Tony at the club's Winter Ball in 2012

Club President, Brian Dalkin, posted the following on 21 July 2018:

It is with sadness that I must inform members, particularly the Veterans squad, of the death of Tony Follows on Friday 20 July aged 84 years. Tony joined Tyne about 30 years ago when he moved to the NE from Derby and was an enthusiastic member of the Tyne Veterans for many years. He remarked once that he found it difficult, but enjoyable, rowing at Tyne because the river was always different, being tidal. At Derby the river was always the same

Tony's funeral service will be held at 11.00am on Wednesday 8 August at St Andrew's Parish Church, Corbridge, followed by committal at Mountsett Crematorium at 12.30pm and refreshments at The Angel Inn back in Corbridge at 1.30pm. All who knew Tony will be welcome.
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